Since we started in 2003, we have been committed to seeing everything through the eyes of our customers in order to provide the highest quality products and services with the highest value.

Our Quality System is certified against the ISO 9001:15 standard and ensures our customers that all products are produced in compliance with all applicable drawings, specifications and requirements.

We expect nothing but the best from ourselves and we are continuously working on improving our quality management.


Quality is our most important means of competition.
LEBO offers products & services at the forefront, which amounts to constant development and improvement of our quality, towards customers and all other stakeholders.
Quality shall be a priority within all areas of the company
Our top management will:

  • Together with our coworkers, constantly improve, establish, analyze and elaborate our quality goals, which are directly linked to our Critical Success Factors.
  • Develop a sense of personal responsibility of our coworkers through education, information and active participation in our quality work.
  • Continuously evaluate our suppliers in terms of quality, environment, delivery and pricing.
  • Ensure that our customers’ needs and expectations are set and met with the goal to reach customer satisfaction.
  • Maintain and ensure all necessary resources.
  • Ensure that all employees understand and follow the requirements in our quality policy.
  • Improve and develop our quality system in accordance to ISO 9001:2015.

This quality policy is regularly revised to ensure its constant adequacy.


Providing high quality products, on time deliveries and support will give you as our valued customer time to spend with more  

important things than having to chase answers for late deliveries and lack of quality.

With LEBO as your partner, we will make sure that we meet your expectations and create added value for you as a customer.

Our long time experience in polymers will help you to get the optimal choice of material to be used in your specific application.

And as being your advisor already in the starting phase with perhaps design and production methods, we are a reliable partner to work with for any polymers needed.


To meet our customers’ expectations and demands with our products, we always use the latest technology and high quality polymers.


Using our knowledge and support in design, technique and ideas will help you to achieve the best and most cost effective choice of product.


We know that your time is precious and getting the right product at the right time is of the utmost importance.

On Time Deliveries and fast responses are key characteristics for the LEBO organization and our employees.


Although LEBO was first founded in 2003, our history began in the 1970s.

In comparison, we are a young company but we do have a long history of producing and supplying high quality silicone products. With our knowledge and expertise of different polymers, we have been supporting our customer’s for close to 40 years. Always with the goal to supply the market with specialties of high quality polymers where focus never been on mass production. To meet our customer’s high expectations

and demands, we never compromise with the quality of our products. By high quality we are not just saying that our products meet your specifications but also that we live up to on time deliveries, service and technical support that any customer expects it to be. We have solved most critical issues and many ideas became real according to our customer’s request. Our products is not seen everywhere but trust us, they are closer to you than you think.